Cristian Udrescu
Motto: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war”
About me
Since high school, my passion for Computer Technology sparkled and followed me during my entire professional life. Started programming as civil engineer and continued as business solutions entrepreneur, with hundreds of ERP, CRM, SCM, SFA, WMS, POS...implementations. Managing requirements from corporations or local SMB’s helped me to understand the real life of organisations and find solutions tailored for each of their business needs. Microsoft solutions, Oracle Technology, SalesForce functionalities, regional business software, all contributed to a wide range of abilities and knowledge that helped me create and develop unique solutions able to deliver high Return On Investments for all the projects that I have been involved in this region (Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Austria, etc).
In recent years years, I had been involved in several projects that have tackled the need of companies for improvement within already installed information solutions, technology optimisation, business reengineering procedures and implementation of new standards of efficiency in areas like pharmaceutical, manufacturing, distribution, services, financial and companies like British American Tobacco, JTI, PEPSI, Peugeot, Kromberg & Schubert, Renault, EnergoBit, E van Wike, Hyundai, UbiSoft, etc
Projects near and dear to my heart:
• JTI (Japan Tobacco Int’l) – countrywide distribution implementation of SFA solution, with over 30 regional warehouses and 350 sales persons.
• Interbrands Marketing&Distribution – ERP and SFA implementation for over 500 salespersons and 35 local warehouses that included the distribution divisions of Procter&Gamble, Gillette, BAT and Nestle
• Peugeot – ERP & auto service for the nationwide representatives and dealership
• PEPSI – ERP, SFA, Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence integration
• HVB Leasing (Unicredit) – ERP/Leasing Management, Financial Services and Business Intelligence
• Renault – Regional dealership management implementation using DataFirst Solution
How can I help?
• Diagnosis of the actual information system and solutions for improvement
• Business Process Analysis and GAP Analysis for the actual processes
• Creating efficient, tailored Information Systems Solutions based on real needs of your business
• Technology presentations
• Cost reductions based on better understanding of techical and implementation needs • Migration on mobile solutions for the actual technology
• Project Management